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Scientific evaluation of the project JUGENDSTIL*

The project JUGENDSTIL* is committed to supporting the engagement of young people in eastern Germany with a personal or family history of migration. We at d|part conducted a scientific evaluation for the project in order to identify the needs and wishes of (post-)migrant initiatives in eastern Germany from the network.


The project “JUGENDSTIL* – Teilhabe und Mitgestaltung junger Migrant*innen in Ostdeutschland”, which is funded by “Demokratie leben!” and run by the Bürger für Bürger foundation, is committed to making young people with a personal or family history of migration in eastern Germany more visible as active shapers of society, making their voices heard and providing them with effective opportunities for participation. The aim of the project is to encourage and empower young people in their commitment through (financial) support, to stand up for their interests and concerns and thus to create a vibrant democracy. The JUGENDSTIL* network now consists of over 90 initiatives spread across all eastern German states.

We at d|part conducted a scientific evaluation of the project. The aim was to compile the needs and wishes of (post-)migrant initiatives and self-organisations from East Germany from the network. In addition, we identified existing (structural) hurdles in the participation of those involved and in the funding instruments and developed solutions to give (post-)migrant voices in East Germany a greater voice and promote equal political participation for all.

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