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Scientific evaluation of “Gemeinsam.Demokratie.Gestalten.”

With "Gemeinsam.Demokratie.Gestalten.", the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) implemented a nationwide project that attempts to counteract the increasing polarisation of society and the harsh public tone. d|part conducted a scientific evaluation to determine the effects of the project and develop prototypes of the newly tested formats.


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) developed “Gemeinsam.Demokratie.Gestalten.”, a project taking place in Germany to counter the currently increasing societal polarization and growing worsening tone in public discourses. In order to strengthen engagement for democracy in Germany, the foundation hosts events to foster dialogue, to give room for conflicting opinions and enable meetings with other people that would not take place otherwise. The focus of the project is on the regional level, so that people from one region can meet and interact. More information on the project can be found on the website of the project.

d|part conducted the scientific monitoring and evaluation of “Gemeinsam.Demokratie.Gestalten.” by assessing already existing data and documents with qualitative and quantitative methods. Additionally, we develop new tools to collect data and conducted interviews with a range of persons involved in the project over a certain time span. This helps to gather the knowledge and findings of the project and makes them available for further usage by the foundation. Furthermore, d|part has developed prototypes of the new political education formats trialled in the project.

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