This report charts atti­tudes on the exis­tence, caus­es, and impact of cli­mate change in Ger­many, France, Italy, Spain, Swe­den, Poland, Czech Repub­lic, the Unit­ed King­dom, and the Unit­ed States. It also exam­ines pub­lic atti­tudes to a series of poli­cies that the EU and nation­al gov­ern­ments could har­ness to reduce the dam­age inflict­ed by human-made emissions.

Although a clear major­i­ty of Euro­pean and Unit­ed States respon­dents are aware that the cli­mate is warm­ing, and that it is like­ly to have neg­a­tive impacts for humankind, this report finds there is con­fu­sion about the sci­en­tif­ic con­sen­sus on cli­mate change. This, the report argues, has cre­at­ed a gap between pub­lic aware­ness and cli­mate sci­ence, leav­ing the pub­lic under­es­ti­mat­ing the urgency of the cri­sis, and fail­ing to appre­ci­ate the scale of the action required.
