More and more coun­tries around the world are dis­cussing a low­er­ing of the vot­ing age, often with the aim of address­ing young people’s elec­toral par­tic­i­pa­tion, their rep­re­sen­ta­tion in pol­i­tics and soci­ety, and inter­gen­er­a­tional jus­tice. Although empir­i­cal evi­dence from coun­tries with Votes at 16 shows that the inclu­sion of younger vot­ers in the elec­torate can, under cer­tain cir­cum­stances, bring about pos­i­tive out­comes, it is also clear that chang­ing young people’s vot­ing rights alone does not lead to more par­tic­i­pa­tion and bet­ter rep­re­sen­ta­tion of young people.

Whether or not, and to what extent, vot­ing age reform can bring about pos­i­tive results for young people’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion large­ly depends on its imple­men­ta­tion: how a low­er­ing of the vot­ing age is cam­paigned for and how it is intro­duced in elec­tions. To advise cam­paign­ers and pol­i­cy­mak­ers how to best use the oppor­tu­ni­ties that Votes at 16 can offer, this report iden­ti­fies rec­om­men­da­tions on (1) how cam­paigns for Votes at 16 can suc­ceed in putting the issue on the polit­i­cal agen­da, and (2) good and bad prac­tices for mobi­liz­ing young first-time vot­ers when intro­duc­ing Votes at 16.
