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Citizens Foresight on 2024 European Parliament elections with voices from CEE (VCEEonEUElect22)

The VCEEonEUElect22 project aims to address the biggest and most salient issues EU citizens perceive ahead of the 2024 EP elections, with a focus on Central and Eastern European members.


The European Parliament (EP) is the only directly elected institution of the European Union, making the upcoming 2024 European Parliament elections crucial for EU citizens to have a voice in the decision-making process and ensuring that the EU remains democratic and accountable.

The VCEEonEUElect22 project aims to address the biggest and most salient issues EU citizens perceive ahead of the 2024 EP elections, with a focus on Central and Eastern European members. Particularly, as those countries displayed the lowest electoral turnout in the 2019 EP election and are sometimes seen as second-class EU member states.

The project consists of a transnational network of ten organizations from ten EU member states (Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia), coordinated by Visegrad Insight and the Res Publica Foundation from Poland. The project will organize public events in all ten countries to bring the 2024 EP elections to the public agenda. Moreover, transnational exchange among the ten organizations will contribute to the public debate about the elections. Through extensive workshops, consultations, and scenario-building, the project also aims to give a voice to civil society stakeholders who may not be heard through conventional and state-led channels of consultation.

At the end of the project, a publicly available report will be presented and disseminated among civil society organizations and Members of the European Parliament. The project will support policy initiatives around the European democracy action plan, the EU Citizenship report 2020, and the Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU.

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