EnergieMiteinander: Scientifically Supporting the Energy Transition
With the ‘EnergieMiteinander-Community’ Amprion is setting new standards in citizen participation. d|part contributes its scientific expertise, develops effective participation formats, and evaluates their impact. Our goal: not just to invite citizens but to actively engage them - for a sustainable and impactful energy transition.
With the ‘EnergieMiteinander-Community’, the transmission system operator Amprion is involving citizens in the development of visions for the energy system to a greater extent than is usual in grid planning. The participation of citizens is important to Amprion. It not only wants to give people the opportunity to participate, but also to actively approach them and get them involved. With the help of a modular platform developed by Civocracy, citizens are to be activated and involved both with a variety of different digital participation formats on the digital platform and with an analogue format.
The ‘EnergieMiteinander community’ is intended to generate greater acceptance and understanding among citizens for the upcoming transformation task of making Germany climate-neutral by 2045/50. Such a huge project cannot be tackled alone, but for it to succeed, politicians, companies and society must pull together and be able to contribute their perspectives.