More and more peo­ple use the inter­net to find infor­ma­tion and make choic­es on polit­i­cal issues. Espe­cial­ly for politi­cians it is impor­tant to be present online and use the inter­net to make infor­ma­tion avail­able to their vot­ers, for exam­ple dur­ing elec­tion campaigns. 

How did can­di­dates for Germany’s 2013 fed­er­al elec­tion do this? How active were they online and what kind of infor­ma­tion on their cam­paign and their polit­i­cal par­ties did they pro­vide? And what can we learn from this for the future of the role of the inter­net in polit­i­cal campaigning? 

This report exam­ines these ques­tions using data on 152 can­di­dates from all polit­i­cal par­ties and 16 con­stituen­cies for the 2013 Ger­man fed­er­al election.

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